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Icon Backdrop.png
Author Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Status Released
Release Date Unknown
Last Updated {{{LastUpdated}}}
Available for Not yet documented
Supported Runtimes Not yet documented
License Free
Attributes {{{Attributes}}}
Includes Examples No
Includes Help Files Yes
Links Included by default.
Alternates Quick Backdrop

Active Backdrop

The Backdrop object is used primarily for creating backgrounds for your applications from bitmap images, but it can also be used to create simple color backgrounds. You have the flexibility of building your background using a number of different Backdrop objects or by resizing one backdrop to fill the entire frame. Backdrop objects remain in the same position for the duration of your application. They can be used for obstacles such as walls or doors in games or can have no effect on other objects in your application.

Backdrop objects can be defined as obstacles in the Frame editor, which means that Active objects can collide with them and trigger various actions. As an obstacle, the Backdrop object can also be used as platforms and ladders in different types of games.

There are no conditions, actions, or functions associated with the Backdrop object. The Backdrop object does not appear in the event editor.


The backdrop object only contains a limited number of properties.

Settings / Image

Click on the EDIT button to open the picture editor, and draw your object.

The Backdrop object contains another important property located in the Runtime Options folder:

Obstacle type

This property indicates if your object is an obstacle when your application is running. It contains 4 settings:

  • None: the object is not an obstacle, all the objects can go through it freely.
  • Obstacle: the object is an obstacle, a collision will be generated when an object collides with it. You can detect this collision with a condition in the event editor.
  • Platform: this option is only used with the platform movement. If an object with a platform movement collides with the backdrop object, a collision will be generated. Collisions will be detected unless the object is jumping: this allows the object to climb from one platform to another by jumping.
  • Ladder: this option too is only used with the platform movement. If this property is set, the backdrop object will react as a ladder: the character will be able to climb the object.

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Advaith (100.0%)