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Firefly Engine

Firefly Engine.png
Author Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Status Released, In Development
Release Date November 30th, 2016
Last Updated {{{LastUpdated}}}
Available for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Developer
Supported Runtimes Windows Runtime
License Paid
Attributes Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Includes Examples Yes
Includes Help Files Yes
Links View the Firefly page on the ClickStore Purchase the Steam version
Alternates See 3D Techniques

The Firefly Engine object is the base of the entire Firefly system. It is the object that actually takes all of your various nodes and other Firefly objects and renders the 3D scene to the frame. You must have at least one in your projects frame in order for anything 3D to appear when you run it. The size of the object “drag space” determines where in the frame the 3D scene is rendered.

Firefly Render Area.jpeg

Take a look at some of its specialized functions:


Is Firefly Engine running

Triggers when the engine is running each frame.

Is Checking for Collisions

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On Pre 3D Scene draw

Triggers before anything has been drawn.

On Post 3D Scene Draw / Pre 2D Scene draw

Triggers after every 3D object has been drawn.

Post 2D Scene draw

Triggers after everything has been drawn.


Start Engine

Allows the engine to start rendering the 3d scene to the frame

Stop Engine

Stops the engine from rendering the 3d scene to the frame

Set Engine Resolution

You can with this Action change at runtime the Engine’s render space in the frame, but passing two values one for width and another for height in the expression editor.

Setup Settings

Device Driver

Using this action you can select at runtime the driver used by firefly to render the 3d scene, options like OpenGL and Direct3d are here.

Anti Alias

Anti-aliasing is a software technique for diminishing jaggies - stair-step-like lines that should be smooth. Jaggies occur because the the monitor doesn't have a high enough resolution to represent a smooth line. Anti-aliasing reduces the prominence of jaggies by surrounding the stair-steps with intermediate shades of color. Although this reduces the jagged appearance of the lines, it also makes them blurry. You can decide whether the effect is off, x2, x4, x6 or x8.


Set Background Colour

Select the empty space background color used by the engine

Set Ambient Light Colour

Select the default ambient light color used in engine

Set Render Speed

Controls how often the Firefly Engine renders everything. Works the same as and Active’s animation speed.

Set Fog Colour

Colour of the rendered fog. Fog is applied to materials with the fog flag on.

Fog Start Distance

The distance to when fog starts

Fog End Distance

The distance where fog melds into the background. “100% thick”

Load Resource Package

Point to a ZIP file that can contain all your model resources like Models, maps or textures. Then from the expression editor when needing to access one of these resource for any of your relevant nodes, simply type the resource name in. EX: “mymodel.obj” NOTE: If you load a model that has textures defined within it, they will automatically be loaded and assigned.


Set Travel Distance

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Manually Detect Collisions

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Scene’s Collisions

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On Draw

Render to Texture

Saves the camera’s view onto a material’s texture.

Draw 3D Line

Using the expression editor create a line by feeding 2 sets of 3D coordinates, and selecting a texture from Materials Object

Draw 3D Triangle

Using the expression editor create a triangle by feeding 3 sets of 3D coordinates, and selecting a texture from Materials Object

Draw 3D Box

Using the expression editor create a box by feeding 2 sets of 3D coordinates representing opposite corners , and selecting a texture from Materials Object

Draw Pixel

Draw a single pixel in 2D space by feeding the expression editor X and Y values and select color and alpha channel color.

Draw Texture

Draw a material’s texture onto the camera’s view.


Get Engine Width

ObjWidth( "Firefly Engine" )

Returns the width of the engine

Get Engine Height

ObjHeight( "Firefly Engine" )

Returns the height of the engine

Setup Settings

Get Device Driver

DeviceDriver( "Firefly Engine" )

Returns the device driver renders the engine.

Get Anti Alias Mode

AntiAlias( "Firefly Engine" )

Returns the type of anti aliasing type of the Engine.

Get Background Color

BackgroundColour( "Firefly Engine" )

Returns the color of Engine’s background

Get Ambient Light Color

AmbientLight( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Render Speed

RenderSpeed( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Fog Color

FogColour( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Fog Start Distance

FogStart( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Fog End Distance

FogEnd( "Firefly Engine" )

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Override Material

Get Linear Filter

OvrMatLinearFilter( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Anti Aliasing

OvrMatAA( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Vertex Colour Material

OvrMatVertexC( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Current Time

CurrentTime( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get Current Camera’s Fixed Value

CurrentCameraFV( "Firefly Engine" )

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Get 2D X Coordinate from 3D Coordinates

TwoDXFromThreeD( "Firefly Engine", >Enter X Coordinate<, >Enter Y Coordinate<, >Enter Z Coordinate<, >Enter Fixed Value of Camera Node< )

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Get 2D Y Coordinate from 3D Coordinates

TwoDYFromThreeD( "Firefly Engine", >Enter X Coordinate<, >Enter Y Coordinate<, >Enter Z Coordinate<, >Enter Fixed Value of Camera Node< )

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Get last debug message

LastMessage$( "Firefly Engine" )

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Contributors to this page

Advaith (100.0%)