BoxSymbol Clock.png
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Click Blocker

Icon Click Blocker.png
Author Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Status Released
Release Date Unknown
Last Updated {{{LastUpdated}}}
Available for Not yet documented
Supported Runtimes Windows Runtime
License Free
Attributes {{{Attributes}}}
Includes Examples Yes
Includes Help Files Yes
Downloadable via the Extension Manager
Alternates {{{Alternates}}}

The Clickblocker object is a very simple object. It only does one thing: block the clicks of the mouse. You can block the left, middle and right clicks. This is useful in certain applications for example if you want to block the right click over some controls.


Block left mouse button

This property will block the left mouse button when the frame begins.

Block middle mouse button

This property will block the middle mouse button when the frame begins.

Block right mouse button

This property will block the right mouse button when the frame begins.



  • Left click: will remove the left click events.
  • Middle click: will remove the middle click events.
  • Right click: will remove the right click events


  • Left click: will restore the left click events.
  • Middle click: will restore the middle click events.
  • Right click: will restore the right-click events.

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Advaith (100.0%)