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Firefly Node - Camera

Firefly Camera.png
Author Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Status Released, In Development
Release Date November 30th, 2016
Last Updated {{{LastUpdated}}}
Available for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Developer
Supported Runtimes Windows Runtime
License Paid
Attributes {{{Attributes}}}
Includes Examples Yes
Includes Help Files Yes
Links View the Firefly page on the ClickStore Purchase the Steam version
Alternates See 3D Techniques

The Camera object is your “viewport” into the 3D world you create with Firefly. As with the Engine object, you can drag out the object to fill parts of your frame. The area the object covers will be the camera display surface in the app. This means you can have two cameras displaying at the same time. Useful in main situations. You could even make a app capable of VR with this method.

Here is a list of the unique Conditions, Actions, and Expressions for the Camera Object:


Binds Target and Rotations

This condition is triggered TRUE when you have Binding set to on.


Is viewport added to Firefly Engine Stack

Checks to see if in fact the viewport is part of the Firefly Engine Stack. You need to select the proper fixed value of the Firefly Engine object you are testing against.


Set Object Width

Set the horizontal size of the viewspace

Set Object Height

Set the vertical size of the viewspace


Add to Firefly Engine Stack

No info available, please add some!

Insert into Firefly Engine Stack

No info available, please add some!

Remove from Firefly Engine Stack at

No info available, please add some!

Remove all from Firefly Engine Stack

No info available, please add some!


Actions for pointing the camera

Set (X,Y & Z) Target

Three separate actions for each vector, where you pass a value to set its relative target vector.

Set Target

Pass using the expression editor values for each of the three vectors (X,Y & Z) to determine target vector.

Up Vector

Set (X, Y & Z) Vector

Sets the coordinate which the camera sees as the “up” direction which it rotates by. In Local coordinates.

Set Field of View

Set the size of your “eye” in degrees, bigger values will extend the observable game world but view will look more fish eye’d. Default 90, recommended maximum is 120.

Set Aspect Ratio

Ratio between the camera’s width and height, for best results set this to Camera’s Width / Camera’s Height.

Set Near Clipping Plane

Allows you to change how close the faces need to be in order for them to not render.

Set Far Clipping Plane

Allows you to change how far the faces need to be in order for them to no longer render, bigger values will have a greater impact on performance on large scenes.

Bind Target and Rotation

Allows you to match the camera to a node's rotation and position if previously have set a parent node.

Off/On or Set

Three actions allowing you to manually set Off or On or set using a boolean expression

Mouse Pick

allows you to “Shoot” from the camera and return the first node the “shot” collides with and return its Fixed Value for selection purposes

Check Off/On

Sets Off or On the constant use of the Mouse Pick function

Check Once

Runs the check once during main loop



Get indices in Firefly Engine Stack

CameraEngineStackIndicies$( "Firefly Node - Camera", >Enter Firefly Engine Fixed Value< )

Returns indices of relative Firefly Engine Stack, requires passing of Fixed Value of Engine object in expression


Get (X,Y & Z) Target

XTarget( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
YTarget( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
ZTarget( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

Three separate expressions returning one of the vectors currently used as a camera target.

Up Vector

Get (X, Y & Z) Position

XUpVector( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
YUpVector( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
ZUpVector( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

Three separate expressions returning one of the vectors currently used as a up vector value.

Get Field of View

FOV( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

No info available, please add some!

Get Aspect Ratio

AspectRatio( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

No info available, please add some!

Get Near Clipping Plane

NearClipping( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

No info available, please add some!

Get Far Clipping Plane

FarClipping( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

No info available, please add some!

Mouse Pick

Get Fixed value of Mouse Pick Node

MousePickFV( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

Returns fixed value of node selected during mouse pick

Get name of Mouse Pick Node

MousePickName$( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

Returns name of node selected during mouse pick

Get (X, Y & Z) Intersection Point from Mouse Pick

MousePickX( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
MousePickY( "Firefly Node - Camera" )
MousePickZ( "Firefly Node - Camera" )

Three expressions that return the vector value from the intersection point from the selected vector.

Contributors to this page

Advaith (100.0%)