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INI++ Object

Icon INI++ Object.png
Author Jack Webster (jax)
Status Released
Release Date 2006
Last Updated 2010
Available for Multimedia Fusion 2 Standard Multimedia Fusion Developer 2 Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Developer
Supported Runtimes Windows Runtime
License Free
Includes Examples Yes
Includes Help Files Yes
Links Download Via Extension Manager

Official Page
Help Website

Alternates INI

The INI++ object is an improved version of the regular INI object for the Windows Runtime. It offers additional features and removes some limitations that are otherwise present with the regular INI object.

The extension has been updated numerous times, the latest version being labelled v1.5. Apparently, the author had originally stated disinterest in porting INI++ to any other platforms. However about a year later, the author was looking towards making the extension cross-platform, although there has been no ports.


  • Comparison and Encryption - INI++ allows the files to be compressed and encrypted when saved to disk.
  • Path Features - You can select the path that relative paths are relative to. You can save to directories which do not exist and they will be created. There is a read-only mode if you do not wish to modify the file.
  • Initial Data - You can specify initial data to be loaded into the object in the frame editor, as well as an initial file to load.
  • Dialog Box - INI++ features a dialog box which can be opened at run-time. It is helpful for debugging or cheat menus.
  • Case Sensitive - If you wish, the INI file can be case sensitive.
  • Repeated Groups and Items - Repeated groups can be merged together. Repeated groups and items can also be automatically renamed.
  • Debugging Tools - View and modify the INI file as text from the Multimedia Fusion Debugger.
  • Auto Save - INI++ can be set so it does not automatically rewrite the file to disk when it has been modified, however it can still do this if desired.
  • No Limits - There are no limits for the size of the INI files, the number of groups, the number of items, and the size of values.
  • Searching - There are actions and expressions for searching INI files and even putting the results in other INI++ objects.
  • Merging Functions - There are new functions for merging INI files.
  • Sub-groups - Groups with sub-groups can be simulated with the object.
  • Global Data Stores - An infinite number of global data stores that can be shared across sub-applications.
  • Hashed Values - There are functions for having hashed data values, which is useful for passwords and etc.
  • Get and Set as Text - INI files can be loaded in directly as text, or the data can be received as a string.

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Advaith (16.8%), Lh37 (83.2%)