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Timer Object

Icon TimerObject.png
Author Official extension or is supported by Clickteam.
Status Released
Release Date Unknown
Last Updated {{{LastUpdated}}}
Available for Not yet documented
Supported Runtimes Windows Runtime Compatible with the Mac Runtime Flash Runtime iOS Runtime Android Runtime HTML5 Runtime XNA Runtime (now deprecated) UWP Runtime
License Free
Attributes {{{Attributes}}}
Includes Examples No
Includes Help Files Yes
Downloadable via the Extension Manager
Included by default.
Alternates {{{Alternates}}}

The Timer object is a built-in clock that runs throughout your application and keeps track of the elapsed time since the start of your application. The timer starts at zero and increases by one every thousandth of a second. The Timer object can trigger actions when the timer is equal to, less than, or greater than a specific time value. You can even trigger actions if the user has left the computer for a set time period.

The Timer object is a system object and is only available in the Event editor.



The Every condition lets the application perform the actions inserted on this event line at a specified time interval.

Is The Timer Equal To A Certain Value?

The Is The Timer Equal To A Certain Value? condition tests to see if the timer is equal to a specific time value. The Timer object counts up from 0 at the start of each frame. This condition is only satisfied at the moment that the timer is equal to the set value, for only one loop of the application.

Is The Timer Less Than A Certain Value?

The Is The Timer Less Than A Certain Value? condition tests to see if the timer is less than a specific time value. The Timer object counts up from 0 at the start of each frame. This condition is continuously satisfied until the timer reaches the set value. You can choose to enter the time via a calculation, in 1/1000th of seconds.

Is The Timer Greater Than A Certain Value?

The Is The Timer Greater Than A Certain Value? condition tests to see if the timer is greater than a specific time value. The Timer object counts up from 0 at the start of each frame. This condition is continuously satisfied once the timer reaches the set value. You can choose to enter the time via a calculation, in 1/1000th of seconds.

On event

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User Has Left The Computer Since

The User Has Left The Computer Since condition tests to see if the user has depressed a key or moved the mouse pointer within a certain time period. You can choose to enter the time via a calculation, in 1/1000th of seconds.


Set Timer

The Set Timer action changes the value of the timer to a new time.

Fire event after given delay

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Fire event N times after given delay-

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Timer Count In 1/1000 Since Start Of Frame


The Timer Count In 1/1000 Since Start Of Frame function retrieves the thousandths of seconds since the start of the frame. This will be a numerical value.

Timer Count, Hours


The Timer Count, Hours function retrieves the number of hours since the start of the frame. This will be a numerical value.

Timer Count, Seconds


The Timer Count, Seconds function retrieves the number of seconds since the start of the frame. This will be a numerical value.

Timer Count, 1/100 Value


The Timer Count, 1/100 Value function retrieves the hundredths of seconds since the start of the frame. This will be a numerical value.

Timer Count, Minutes


The Timer Count, Minutes function retrieves the number of minutes since the start of the frame. This will be a numerical value.

Event call number


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Advaith (100.0%)