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The Games Factory 2

TGF2 Image.jpg
Developer Clickteam
Status Released
Initial Release Build 239 (12 years ago)
Stable Release Build 257.12 (5 years ago)
Beta Release Build 258.2 (4 years ago)
Platforms This product is compatible with Microsoft Windows
Languages English, Français, Japanese
Links Support Forum

Download Newgrounds Edition
Download TGF2/MMF2 Demo

Predecessor The Games Factory
Successor Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Program Icon

The Games Factory 2, or as commonly referred to as TGF2 is a "budget" version of Multimedia Fusion 2 designed for home users looking to create applications and games without needing to learn code. It continues the original The Games Factory brand name as well as visually sharing the same interface as MMF2 and using the MFA format. The brand name has now been discontinued and is now preceded by Clickteam Fusion 2.5.

This edition of Multimedia Fusion 2 is much more limited and stripped down. There was also a special release designed to create Flash games for the Newgrounds website.


This edition shares the same interface as Multimedia Fusion 2, including:

  • Storyboard Editor - For modifying frames and their fade transitions.
  • Frame Editor - For modifying the objects, extensions and appearance of a frame.
  • Event Editor - For defining the logic of the program, through actions, conditions and events.
  • Toolbars - A customizable dockable interface throughout the program.


The front cover of The Games Factory 2 disc set.
The opening screen of the Newgrounds Edition.

Due to its low price tag, the product came with a lot of stripped down features.

  • It doesn't support alpha channels.
  • Extensions could not be added to the product.
  • It has a limited set of features.
  • It only supports one additional exporter: The Flash Exporter (It has built-in support for Windows, Java, and Vitalize!).
  • Applications created by the product have a forced end screen.


See Multimedia Fusion 2#Demo for info about the TGF2/MMF2 Demo.

Newgrounds Edition

The Expired screen of the Newgrounds Edition.

A free version of The Games Factory 2 was released exclusively for the Newgrounds website to allow creators to create their own Flash games for Newgrounds with limitations. Creations exported by the software can only be uploaded to the Newgrounds website and do not function as regular flash files for use on any website.

While the software has expired, it is still available for download. Upon closing the "Expired" window, the program may continue to work normally.

Contributors to this page

Animacreep (10.6%), Advaith (33.4%), Lh37 (56.1%)