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See the new ClickWiki at This version is just an archive for the purposes of migrating content to the new structure.

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There's many areas of the Wiki that are looking for Clickers. It's your call what you'd like to focus on and what you know best about. That said, a single Clicker is unlikely to know everything, but bringing many together will help learn new things for yourself as well as new and long-time clickers.

No Placeholder Pages!

Please avoid creating pages that are virtually empty. This makes it difficult to spot a red link and will possibly infuriate a visitor if they were expecting to find detailed information about that topic. Instead, please hold off creating the page and place the information wish to add on the page's Talk page instead. If it's necessary to create a page (ie. to link to a pre-determined heading, like how MMF and Multimedia Fusion 1.5 do), then this is an exception. Thank you.

Useful Links

Found a resource we could add or looking for something new to write about?

Take a look at the "Ideas to Feature" page.


Please feel free to edit this page if you plan to allocate yourself to a certain section, allowing others to shift their focus to other areas.

Section / Page Notes Assigned to
Fusion Features
Extensions Details about many extensions, targeting most commonly requested help first. Advaith
System Objects Status: Advaith
Flash Runtime Flash Runtime The SWF/Flash Exporter page exists, but there is not that much information.
iOS Runtime Runtime Advaith will add a guide for submitting an app to the App Store from start to finish. Advaith
Vitalize! (now deprecated) Vitalize Runtime Looking for details about this runtime and how it worked. (Note: This exporter comes built-in with MMF2 and is not available in CF2.5.)
Java Runtime (now deprecated) Java Runtime Looking for details about this runtime and its types of exports. (Note: This exporter comes built-in with MMF2 and CF2.5. To enable in CF2.5, click "Show deprecated runtimes". More export types are available in the Developer versions.)
XNA Runtime (now deprecated) Runtime Looking for differences between XNA Windows and the Built-in Windows exporter. (Note: This Exporter is available for free on the ClickStore.)
Compatible with the Mac Runtime Mac Runtime The Mac Exporter page exists, but there is not that much information other than the build types.
UWP Runtime UWP Runtime The UWP/Universal Windows Platform Exporter page exists, but there is not that much information.
Sub-Applications Looking for details about this feature. For instance, requiring extensions in the parent frame, advantages, limitations and the difference between internal and external.
Application Properties Looking for descriptions of options in exporter folders.
Frame Properties Looking for descriptions of options in exporter folders.
  • File structure of skins and what they represent, for creating/editing skins.
  • Details on the info.ini file when editing.
Firefly Looking for Firefly owners to provide details on the different objects and how to use them.
Multimedia Fusion 1.5 Missing details about the software.
Klik & Play Calling all long time clickers who know about this product.
Click and Create Calling all long time clickers who know about this product.
Install Maker Calling all long time clickers who know about this product. Please add detail on how Install Maker compares to Install Creator 2.
SynchronX Looking for anyone who has used this product. Notes for contributors
Jamagic Looking for anyone who has used this product. Notes for contributors
Vitalize! Plugin Looking for users of the Exporter to add information about the plugin (how does it compare to Flash/HTML5, how does it compare with Windows, errors, limitations)
History of Clickteam (Europress) Official content so far from Danny, not fully complete, and is missing history when Clickteam was known as Europress. Danny (presumed)
Click Convention Looking for attendees/hosts of this event to document this event.
ClickJam Looking for attendees/hosts of this event to document this competition.
List and/or document games made with Fusion If you have made a game/know an unlisted game, please add it. This thread contains unlisted latest creations, and useful info for tracking down old creations. There is also this list which contain the responses to the #MadeWithFusion form. Ongoing / Advaith
Klikdisc Looking for any readers of this magazine to document about it.
Chowdren/Platforms Missing details on how to easily set up Chowdren for all platforms (except Linux).
GAM / File Extensions Missing limitations and major bugs with this file format. All other formats (CCA, LIB, IIT, UTS) should be considered writing up too.
Shaders Looking for documentation about shaders - including but not limited to listing all available shaders with links, advantages, limitations and how one can write their own.
Lacewing Looking for documentation about Lacewing - including but not limited to current development details, how the protocol works in Fusion, different ways of achieving simple tasks (eg. client ←→ server or client ←→ channel ←→ server) and further resources for tutorials, guides, and examples.
3D Techniques Looking for documentation about working with 3D extensions (OpenGL) and the different types of "simulating" 3D (like isometric and perspective)
SDK Looking for documentation about working the SDK and how to get started for the first time.